Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Geneology Work

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has some amazing resources for researching your family history and genelogical lines.  The first site to check out would be at Family Search.  Part of the teachings of the church believes that we can be married for not just till dealth do we part but for eternity.  Part of this belief is also that we can be sealed or linked eternally to our ancestors.  These ordinaces take place in our holy temples.  I love family history and learning more about where I come from and who lived before me to make my existance possible.  I hope you would utilize the many resources like or

In Salt Lake City, Utah you can find the enormous Family History Library.   Take a tour of the Family History Library.  There are millions of records and data that can be sorted through here.
Families are forever and I am grateful for this wonderful knowledge.  I know this is true doctrine and am grateful for it.  The church will even give you a free video about eternal families.

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